
The Mid-Atlantic Aronia Growers Association is a trade organization dedicated to further the interests of Aronia growers in the Mid-Atlantic region.

For additional information concerning the MAAGA, please contact:

Dr. Andrew George Ristvey (aristvey@umd.edu).

Biographical information on Dr. Ristvey can be accessed here.


6 thoughts on “About

  1. we have purchased a small property with aronia berries already planted. We are interested in growing, harvesting and marketing these berries. We live in the Ft. Smith, AR area and have not found anyone who knows what this fruit is. Our sons who live in Indiana and Iowa raise aronia also. We have made jam and juice for our own use from their berries. We would appreciate some helpful advice from other growers.

    • Hello,
      My only concern about growing Aronia in Arizona is chill hours. They need between 1000 and 1100 chill hours to come out of dormancy each spring. Contact you local university extension office to find our how many chill hours you may average each year

  2. What is the best way to store aronia berries? Is freezing them the way to get more juice from the berries to make juice and jams? And if not how cold do you store them at?

    • Pat,
      Sorry about not replying sooner. We are new to website process, and wordpress. Freezing the fruit is the best way to store long term. The fruit should be washed and then frozen. They will not stick together afterwards and area easy to remove from a bag. There are some growers doing IQF (individual quick frozen) and selling that way. As far as storing fresh, they should be stored as cold as possible above freezing. They should last around 2 weeks, maybe more, but since the picked fruit is damaged, there will be danger of fungus growing at the point where the stem ripped the fruit skin. Also, at this point, the fruit is open to dehydrating.

    • Mike,
      Sorry about not replying sooner. We are new to this webpage process. Market price for fresh fruit can be up to $8 a pound…especially if organic. The real issue is teaching the public about Aronia and developing a market for it. MAAGA is trying to do that.

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